Sunday Series Club Race: BBC Shero

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Sunday Series Club Race: BBC Shero

August 11, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This event is a Buffalo Bicycling Club race. You must be a member to participate. To join, click here.


Park on the side road of Old Pfarner Rd at the corner of Zimmerman Rd where you see the old Boston Town Fire Station. (Please do not park in the parking lot of the Boston Fire Station)


Click Here to View the Course Page.  A 8.4 mile rolling loop with a quick descent down to Feddick Rd, gradual 5% climbs and lots of false flats, great for a strong all-round rider!

What You Should Expect on Race Day:

  1. Please plan to arrive 30 minutes early to get into your riding clothes and get your bike ready
  2. Write down your name on the sign-in sheet when it becomes available, head out on the bike get a few pedal strokes in the legs to warm up
  3. At 10am, we will be doing a one-lap group ride for all A, B, and C riders so everyone can see the course together
  4. We’ll start the A, B, and C groups in waves to race the amount of race laps noted in the Course Description
  5. At the end, make sure you know your finishing place and report it to the event organizer

Sunday Series Club Races Individual Scoring:

This race is part of the club’s eleven-race points series. There will be an ‘A’ and ‘B’ field scored at each race, with additional separate scoring below. Points are awarded in each race by finishing place:

1st = 15 points

2nd = 13 points

3rd = 11 points

4th = 9 points

5th = 7 points

6th = 6 points

7th = 5 points

8th = 4 points

9th = 3 points

10th = 2 points

11th and after = 1 point each


Each rider’s best nine of eleven results will be used for the overall standings and the top three overall riders will be awarded at the end of season banquet.


Intermediate Sprints

We’ll be offering intermediate sprints of 3, 2, 1 points as you cross the start/finish line of some of the laps during the race.  It keeps the racing interesting!  Follow the race director’s instructions for how many laps are offering the intermediate sprint points.  We will aim for 2 or 3 laps depending on the course.  **Offering intermediate sprints is contingent on having a marshal to do finish line scoring.  Sign up to marshal here!

Master’s Sunday Series Racing

New in 2023, we are including a version of separate scoring for Masters Men’s 50+ racers!  Master’s 50+ will race in the A field and will be scored against the A’s, but Master’s points will be pulled out into a separate Master’s leaderboard.  How does this work?  If Master’s 50+ riders get 4th, 7th, and 8th in the A race, their 4th/7th/8th place points will go towards their Master’s standings.  They’ll be on the Men’s A leaderboard and the separate Master’s leaderboard.

Women’s Sunday Series Racing

Women racing in the Men’s A field will have the same version of separate scoring as the Men’s Master’s 50+ above.  If women riders get 4th/7th/8th in the Men’s A race, their 4th/7th/8th place points will go towards a Women’s A leaderboard, as well as the Men’s A leaderboard.

Women racing in the Men’s B field will have the same version of separate scoring as well.  If women get 4th/7th/8th in the Men’s B race, their 4th/7th/8th place points will go towards a Women’s B leaderboard, as well as the Men’s B leaderboard.

Sunday Series Team Scoring:

There will be team scoring in only the full ‘A’ field (including the master’s and women racing in the A field). ALL eleven races count toward the team classification. There are no restrictions on the number of riders per team, per race, but only the top three riders of each team will have their points totaled after each race for their team classification scoring. The overall winner will be awarded at the end of season banquet.

Mentoring the C Race

We’re always looking for C-race mentors!  If you are an A/B level rider with experience and would like to help out the C race with in-race coaching and work on tactics, we’d love for you to help!  As a token, you will get 5 points for mentoring the C race one time during the season.  Please let the officers know at the race that you wish to do this.


August 11, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


James Thompson


Boston Fire Dept.
9854 Zimmerman Rd
Boston, NY 14025
+ Google Map